Comments on: How to Organize Photos | Digital Photo Organization Let's create a beautiful, organized home where you and your family can thrive. Thu, 01 Jun 2023 15:16:26 +0000 hourly 1 By: Varun I recently lost access to my google account and it was a mess. Learnt my lesson and now investing in a NAS drive and also making sure that I have at least 3 different backups in different places.
This article was very helpful.
Thank you

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Dawn Reynolds.

Hi, Dawn! I just checked, and all of the photos still have the date they were taken in the metadata. All of the photos that were straight out of the camera and not edited in Photoshop still have the camera settings metadata attached to them as well. I hope this helps!

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Abp.

Yes! That was one of the hacks I used from Miss Freddy’s course! It made things go a lot quicker. 🙂

By: Abp Did you use software to get rid of duplicates?

By: Dawn Reynolds In reply to Abby Lawson.

Thank you so much for your time Abby! One more question pretty please! Are you able to see your metadata (specifically the date photo was taken) once you moved photos to your SSD? I know you can relate to how much time and effort goes into correcting dates on photos that you have already lost the metadata to once. I am curious if the metadata from photos stored on CDs (my storage way back when) will remain once moved to the SSD? I appreciate you!!

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Dawn Reynolds.

Hi, Dawn! Our SSD came already formatted to work with my Mac, so I didn’t have to do anything to set it up that way. And yes, I was just able to drag and drop my items into the folders I created in the SSD. Once I was sure that everything had moved over, I could delete the files from my computer. Moving them to the SSD did not hinder the quality at all. I hope this helps!

By: Dawn Reynolds Hi Abby! Thank you for this amazing post! I too am working on this huge task and feel so lucky to have found your post! I just purchased an SSD as you suggested to use as my “digital photo hub”. I have about 30,000 photos on my Macbook (I do have these backed up on an external hard drive with Time Machine). I have began the process of making albums and smart folders with the specific year, etc. on my Macbook to move to my SSD. I have a couple of questions I was hoping you wouldn’t mind answering as this is where I get nervous and stop. 1-I have not set up the SSD yet as I worry if it will take off like a backup. Do you have any suggestions on how to “start”? 2-Do I just drag and drop the albums to the SSD? I don’t want to lose any quality or metadata. Thank you for your time!!

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Katya.

Hi, Katya! I keep them on my phone. I have plenty of space on there, and I’ll often use my previous photos for things on Instagram or other social media, so it’s just easier to keep them there. Hope you’re having a great week!

By: Katya So glad I came across this post, in my search for digital photo org! Thanks for your consolidated tips and sources.
Wondering, as it’s something I’ve always gone back and forth on – what’s your process for keeping photos on your iPhone, once you have them backed-up and organized? Do you keep them on your phone? Or remove them as soon as you back them up?
Thanks again!

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Holly.

Lol! Good thing they’re so cute, right?! So glad the post was helpful– have fun with your project!
