My Morning Routine: Organizing My Morning for a More Productive Day
My morning routine can make or break the rest of my day, so I’ve developed a little “morning routine checklist” that helps me get organized and be more productive!

I’ve been on a little habits kick lately. I feel like the older I get, the more I’m realizing how much my habits determine how I spend my time and whether or not I achieve my goals. And one of the most important sets of habits that affects how my day plays out is my morning routine.
If I’m a mess in the morning, I feel like I spend the rest of the day trying to catch up. If I am able to be intentional about my mornings, though, the rest of my day tends to go more smoothly as well.
Because of this, I’ve developed a little “morning routine checklist” to help me stay on track. Everyone will have a different morning routine that works for them, their circumstances, and their stage of life, but I thought I’d share what’s working for me these days– I know I’m always interested to know what’s working for other people!
My Morning Routine: Organizing My Morning for a More Productive Day
This post contains affiliate links. For more in formation, see my disclosures here.
1. Keep my phone somewhere other than on my nightstand.
I realized a while ago that having my phone plugged in right beside the bed on my nightstand was way too big of a temptation for me. I would end up staying up later browsing social media aimlessly, and the first thing I would do in the morning was grab my phone and start browsing aimlessly again… not the best way to start or end my day.

To break this habit, I began plugging in my phone somewhere other than by my bed. I usually either keep it in my office overnight or at the very least plug it in on the other side of our bedroom where I can’t reach it from the bed.
2. Find the perfect alarm clock.
Hearing a loud, obnoxious “BEEP! BEEP! BEEP!” each morning was definitely not motivating me to get out of bed, so I set out to find something better! I finally came across this alarm clock, and it has been working really well for me.

It has several soothing sounds to choose from to wake me up gently in the morning. (I’m currently using the sound of waves.) It also has a ring of light around the outside that pops on dimly 30 minutes before my alarm is set to go off and slowly gets brighter and brighter, mimicking the sun. This helps me wake up gradually, rather than just being jolted out of bed by the sound of an annoying alarm.

3. Set a positive focus from the start.
When my alarm goes off, I quickly put on my workout clothes and head into my office. Before I actually work out, though, I sit in my cozy chair in my nook and start out my day by setting a positive focus. For me this means reading my Bible, sometimes writing in my journal, and praying before I do anything else. When I do this first thing, it doesn’t mean that I automatically have a perfect day, but I do feel like I am better equipped to handle whatever may come my way that day.

4. Get moving.
Next I do some sort of short workout using the big, open space in my office. Right now I am loving BeachBody OnDemand because it gives me access to a bunch of different workouts right on my computer. My favorites are TurboFire, 21 Day Fix, and if the boys want to work out with me, we do a program called Double Time. (I am not a BeachBody coach, just a bit of a home workout junkie, lol.)

5. Feed my brain.
Often if I’m doing a workout that I’m pretty familiar with, I’ll often listen to an audiobook or podcast at the same time. (I love the Young House Love podcast and the Food Blogger Pro podcast, and right now I’m listening to 7 Habits of Highly Effective People on Audible.) This helps me multi-task a little bit and work out + learn something new at the same time!

6. Feed my belly. 🙂
After I’m done working out, I head downstairs and make breakfast for myself and the boys. I am a creature of habit, so I typically have the same thing each day– a chocolate Shakeology shake. Breakfast time also gives me a few minutes to chat with the boys before we all head our separate ways for the day.

7. Attach a new habit to an existing habit that’s already formed.
This was a little trick I learned recently that has helped me remember to take my vitamins, of all things! I was always forgetting them, so I needed a way to make sure I took them every single day. Since I was already consistently making myself a shake each morning, I simply put my vitamins in the drawer with my protein powder to automatically remind me to take them while I was making my shake. It has worked like a charm ever since!
8. Have the tools I need to get ready for the day organized and ready to go.
After we finish breakfast, I head upstairs to grab a shower and get ready for the day. This process goes a lot more smoothly if my makeup and hair tools are organized and easy to find.
My little makeup station in my closet is still working really well for me, and I keep my vanity drawers organized with these little bins so I can find everything I need to get ready.
9. Make the bed.
The last thing I do before I take the boys out to the bus stop in the morning is make our bed. It only takes a few minutes, and it starts off the day on the right foot. I also love coming into my room to get ready to bed and having a bed that’s made up and tidy.

10. Have a plan for the day.
I run the boys down to the bus stop, then head home to get to work. I have typically made my to-do list and planned out my day the night before using my Intentional Life Planner. I use time blocking to assign all of my tasks to a certain time of day to help me stay on track and not get distracted. (Why is it SO easy to get distracted?! Eek!) Since I’ve made a plan the night before, I simply grab my planner, see what’s on the schedule for the day, and get to work.

Now, does this routine happen perfectly every single day? Nope. But if I slack off or get out of the routine, I give myself grace and restart the next day. My morning routine has also changed and evolved over time as my kids have gotten older, as Donnie’s routines have changed, and as the circumstances of our lives have changed. It’s a process that we’re always examining and working on getting better at in order to create smooth mornings for everyone in our family!
Looking for more ideas for improving habits and routines? These posts can help!
My Evening Routine: An Organized Way to End the Day
5 Ways to Revamp Your Routine and Increase Productivity
How to Form a New Habit (Even If You’ve Failed at It Before)
How to Be Productive When You’re Not Feeling Motivated
Are there things you do each morning to set yourself up for a productive day? I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
Have a wonderful day!

This post contains affiliate links. For more in formation, see my disclosures here.
My morning routine is pretty crazy as well. I first wake up anytime between 2 and 3AM because my puppy has to go to the bathroom. After he’s done going, we head back to bed. He won’t fall back to sleep in his crate, so he sleeps with me until my alarm goes off at 5:45. The rest of the morning is spent feeding the pup, scheduling posts for the day on social media, getting dressed, doing hair/makeup and running out the door to work.
Trying to figure out how to fit in a workout these days as well.
Mornings are the only time I have “me” time. I am loving following this series you are doing!
Thank you so much, Lindsay! Yay for “me” time!
~Abby =)
Wow! This is just what I needed! With 3 kids I’m finding a morning routine is so important and I will start mine tomorrow! I’m so not a morning person but I need to be for my kids! Thanks for the post Abby!
Kids make it sooooo hard to be a morning person, right?! Especially bc I’m sure your baby isn’t letting you sleep through the night quite yet. (If she is, bless her!) Hope all of you guys are doing well!!
~Abby =)
making the most of my mornings makes a huge difference to me as well! I find that getting my quiet time in really shapes the rest of my day.
I’ve seen this new IKEA campaign on a couple of other blogs too, and I’m loving seeing what people are doing!
Sounds like an awesome morning routine! You could never go wrong with starting the day with God, that’s for sure!
I’m such a morning person, but unfortunately, my kids have to be at school at 7 AM and we have a 20 minute drive to get them there, so we get up way too early as it is. The biggest thing that helped me not feel completely wigged out on weekday mornings is putting my kids (10 and 13) in charge of making their lunches. Everything is easily accessible to them, so they can choose what they want and throw their lunch own together quickly (no complaints or uneaten lunches), and it gives them some responsibility. I felt bad at first, but really it’s worked out really well!
I love that idea! And wow, that is early to be at school! Good for them for making their own lunches and taking responsibility! Have a great day, Natasha!
~Abby =)
Starting out productive makes a huge difference for me too! When I wasn’t working this summer it was so easy to just sleep until the kids woke up but then I started getting up when my husband woke up so we could work out together and just that helped me to get my day started and helped me feel so much more productive! (mostly because I could get a shower in before nap time in the afternoon! 🙂 )
I hear ya! Something about getting moving in the morning just makes the rest of the day so much better! Hope you’re having a wonderful week, Heidi!
~Abby =)
I hate waking up early, but I love taking my time in the morning to get things done, and feeling productive before my day really “starts”! That’s a conundrum I struggle with each day haha!
Oh I hear ya! The struggle is real! 😀
~Abby =)
I love & needed this Abby! I was on an awesome no phone/email/computer until after my daily reading routine, but somehow feel off the wagon. My days have not as smooth, and I need to get back to what was working! Can’t wait to read the rest of this series.
My day starts at 5:30 a.m., when I take Elliot and put him in bed with Kayla (my granddaughter/her son). Then I check the passage for the day, throw in a load of laundry (it has to be in the dryer before I leave), shower, dress, pick-up (usually the living room where Elliot’s toys are currently housed) and leave to catch the 7:00 a.m. bus to town. Sometimes I feel like I’ve put in a whole day before I’ve even got to the office. On a side note, Abby, I’m enjoying reading your blog and will be following along on the 31 days of intentional living. Thanks for the guidance and inspiration!
Wow! You really do get a lot done before 7! Good for you! I’m sure Kayla and Elliot appreciate you! Have a wonderful day, Trish!
~Abby =)
Oh my goodness…’re my “morning doppelgänger”!! Everything with my morning routine stayed the same when we had our first child, but when our daughter came along sleep became my primary focus. And that was also about the time, I got my first iPhone so wasting time in the mornings became the “norm”. I’ve spent the last month attempting to be intentional about getting up {I put my phone out in the living room at night}, steering clear of email, blog reading, and social media until all the important stuff is done. I’m back into my morning “quiet-time” with God which is so important for me as a mom and a wife. I’ve noticed that when my mornings are intentional, the rest of my day just seems a whole lot better!!
All this to say….THANK YOU FOR SHARING…’s always nice to know that I’m not alone in this area.
Lol! I never knew it was possible to have a morning routine, twin! 🙂 Hope you have a wonderful day, Amber!
~Abby =)
Oh Abby, you just described me & my mornings to a T!! I, too, wait until the last minute to get up and then it’s rush, rush, rush! A horrible, horrible way to start the day! I look at my phone way too much as well. Last night for the first time in a long time, I didn’t look at it while laying in bed. It was actually pretty nice!
I am going to use your printables and make my mornings, days, weeks, months intentional!!
Thank you for sharing the wealth!!
This is a great idea. I too have changed up my routine, I get up before the kids. Get myself dressed and ready for the day. Then I make the breakfast. Not pancakes or anything crazy. But oatmeal with fruit, or toast and eggs. I found I was just giving them the sugary sweet cereal because they ate it quickly. Now that they actually eat a good breakfast (and we all sit down and eat it together) my mornings feel less rushed. And I send my kids off to school with love, hugs, and full bellies instead of rushing and tears.
That’s awesome, Emily! Sounds like a great morning to me!
~Abby =)
Love this so much, Abby!! Thanks for the gentle reminders and for your honesty! Your boys are adorable (and you look amazing!)!
Happy Wednesday!
Aw, thank you, friend! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
Oh man, this is speaking to me! I’ve been trying to make a morning routine part of my life but it’s been a rough start. I think I managed one day this week. I’ve realized excessive is a lost cause in the mornings (my kids are one and packing them up for a run is not going to happen. I’m planning to get a gym pass in the new year where they have onsite daycare.
BUT those dishes are my faves. I use them for every table setting I ever do 🙂
Yes, it’s hard when they’re that little! I am just now getting to the point where they are independent enough that I can exercise while they’re awake and my youngest is 3. The gym thing sounds lovely! Hope you’re having a great day, Colleen!
~Abby =)
Such a great post! I’m loving this series! I’m also in the middle of changing my bedtime routine. I make sure that an hour and a half before bedtime I finish up everything I need to do on the internet or any electronic device (Candy Crush is my weakness!) Then I read a little before bed.
Ooh love that! It definitely helps to unplug before bed! Hope you’re having a great week, Jessica!
~Abby =)
This was just the little boost I needed to hear to help get my mornings rolling! I have been wanting to get up and read by Bible… Thank you!
Abby, thanks for this!
I love getting things done in the mornings, but the mornings can also be a black hole. I can do my most productive work in the morning, but since starting blogging I’ve found it harder. When I get up now I tend to try to check into new link parties, but the I get sucked in to all of that and end up wasting time.
When I was in college I used to get up immediately when my alarm went off, throw on exercise clothes, jog a mile, shower, eat a healthy breakfast, and then leave to class. I do need to get back into a routine that makes sure I get all the things done again.
Also, I wanted to invite you to the Retro Re-Pin Party (link below) that began last night and ends tomorrow, Thursday night at 8 p.m. ET.
Yes! It is so easy to get sucked in to the internet in the morning– I totally understand! We can resist! Lol. Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
My morning routine is terrrrrible. I am not a morning person at ALL so it’s so hard for me to be anything other than a zombie before 9am 🙂
I know what you mean though, on those rare days where I get going and start my day right, the rest of my day is way better and more productive! Thanks for the reminder!
Oh lordy I do the same thing with the phone! Actually most recently I started somehow miraculously waking myself up at midnight because that’s when’s deals online refresh haha. And I am NOT a shopper, I swear I’m not! It just got to be a habit to look and see what was there, and before you know it I’m on Instagram and Facbook and all the other stuff. My phone went across the room this week, and I didn’t really care after a moment of separation anxiety ;0) Phew there’s my confession for the day ;0)
Bwahahaha. That is hilarious about Must. See. Deals. 😀 I’m glad I’m not the only one that struggles with the phone thing! Thanks for the confession! 🙂
~Abby =)
I’m not sure if I should feel bad about laying in bed reading this at 6:30am but I also don’t have kids to get ready and have NEVER been a morning person. Not even as a little kid. I’m always jealous of (and slightly annoyed by) people who can pop right out of bed and be cheerfully ready to start their day with no caffeinated aids. Weirdos. I’m glad you found a routine that works for you and reduces morning stress!
This is so inspiring to me. I’m really trying to be more intentional with my time during the day, and you are so right that the morning really sets the tone for everything.
I think I’m going to try setting my phone across the room. I’ve also toyed with the idea of getting up when Ryan leaves for work (around 4:45 a.m.), which is insanely early for me. But I know i could get so much more done by getting in the habit of being up before Henry is.
If you manage 4:45, you are my hero! Right now my alarm is set for 5:55 and it feels sooooo early, lol! Hope you’re having a wonderful week, friend!
~Abby =)
Great post, love your honesty. Mornings are hard and crazy busy with little ones. I totally agree…starting the AM off right sets the tone for the entire day.
I love every bit of your routine. Oftentimes I justify not having a routine on “I’m just too busy.” Working full time out of the home, same with my husband, trying to do this blogging thing, being a mom, cleaning the house (because that’s seriously been getting neglected). I’ve heard such great things about the impact starting the day with a bible in hand can have. This is the push I think I needed. I admire your success, and I take your advice to heart!
Oh girl you are so right. It is such a balancing act! We can do it!
~Abby =)
I am loving the sound of your morning routine. I have never been a morning person and with my youngest not liking to sleep at night it makes my morning relationship even tougher. I really like your idea of putting running shoes on soon after you wake up. I need to do something to energize me in the mornings so I can get my energy level up. Your boys are so cute and I love that you spend mornings together and actually really talk. Keep up the great work mama!
It is TOUGH when they are little! My boys are sleeping through the night most nights now, so it has gotten a little easier, but if they were still waking up I don’t know if I could do it! Hope you’re having a wonderful week, Sydney!
~Abby =)
Thank you so much for your encouragement! After reading your post, I started reading my Bible every morning using a “read through the Bible in a year” plan. I’ve been doing it now for 12 days. I feel so good having a plan and starting out my day with purpose. I read the OT passages in the morning and the NT passages in the evening. It is a struggle with working full time and keeping up a household, but worth it to have my quiet time with God. I love your blog. Thanks for the inspiration!
Girl! That is so awesome! I love the idea of reading one passage in the morning and one in the evening to start and end your day with God. Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
~Abby =)
Another great post. Might I suggest It changed my life.! When I became home bound due to illness, and unable to read at times, I found this site to be so comforting. There’s also a .99 cent app.. It’s awesome; you can go through the Bible in a year. I’m on my 6th., Brian, the reader is has such a soothing voice, insights at the end, and you can also connect with a group of people praying for one another…you can leave your request at the end of the podcast. (You can also just read through the Psalms, Proverbs, there’s kids reading to kids…endless opportunities to get in the Word!)
Abby, I’ve been struggling for years to get into a good morning routine. I am great at making plans- making myself a pretty schedule on my computer, planning out every hour… But I’m terrible at sticking to it. It’s 11 PM and I’m reading this on my phone, in bed, and I’m going to get up RIGHT NOW and move my phone to the other side of the room. Awesome post. Thank you!
just found your blog. Love it! Good for you for putting this all together. It’s so incredibly inspiring! 🙂 ,<3
Hi Abby,
What is the Bible in the picture? I’d like to purchase that specific one.
Thank you so much!
Hi, Cxandra! It’s The Reformation Study Bible : . I hope this helps! Have a great day!
~Abby =)
Yes, it does! Thank you so much! I’m using the Hebrew Greek Key Word Study Bible now and love it. Looking forward to getting the Reformation Study Bible!
Thank you again,
I am so glad to hear of your Bible reading. You just gave me a reason to stick with you!!!! I am glad it is no longer a secret. I have saved this to my Blogger Pinterest board:
Aw, thank you so much, Ana! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
Oh, my sweet Abby! I needed to be reminded of how a good morning routine sets up a beautiful day! I have been out of commission since September due to a fall causing a subdural hematoma (bleeding on the brain). Brain injuries take for-EVAH to heal and cause the yuckiest symptoms like exhaustion, lack of focus, etc. So, when I read your post, I actually got excited for at least 10 minutes and, let me tell you, that is a long time for me right now!! I am going to take baby steps toward creating a morning routine, putting God first. I will set up visual reminders of “what’s next” so that after the alarm goes off – the one across the room 😉 – I’ll remember what comes next….cause I can’t remember things….ug. Thanks for a great post – I’ve missed being able to read your blog for the last few months! Love you!
Oh, Meg! I am so sorry to hear about your injury! I love your idea of visual reminders and taking baby steps. Hugs to you!!
~Abby =)
Like you, my quiet time comes first each day. It seems to anchor me before I even leave the harbor.
I love your blog!
Love that, Lynne! Thank you so much for your sweet words! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
I enjoyed reading this, Abby.
My morning routine includes some quiet time with God, and coffee. 😉 I have created my own little meditation space in our bedroom with my grandpa’s lazy boy recliner that wouldn’t fit into our living room. It was meant to be! We have an AMAZINGLY giant bedroom, so I took advantage. It’s my own little ‘war room’ only it’s a War Corner… 😉 hehe…
I use the First 5 app for bible studies and you can set your alarm through the app – literally the first 5 mins of the day is spent with our Lord. It’s very cool.
The thing I also need to work on is exercise. I’m hoping the new year will bring some new habits. I hate waiting to get started on a new routine, but with 3 businesses I am swamped right now with Holiday events & such in addition to everyday life. Starting a new routine right now would be INSANE. :-p But exercising in the morning is SOO refreshing.
I downloaded this ebook – I look to Michael Hyatt for lots of things so I’m sure this book of his will be awesome, too. Thanks for sharing, chica!
God bless <3
Ooh I LOVE the First 5 app! Such a great way to start the day! And I love that you created a cozy corner in your room– such a great idea! Hope you’re having a wonderful week, Heather!
~Abby =)
I am not naturally a morning person but since having 3 kids I’ve discovered I absolutely LOVE rising early. My kids usually are up around 6:30. The mornings when I wake around 5:00 are, by far, the best (did I really just say that?!) I love spending time blogging and enjoying my morning tea before my kids are up. It sets a wonderful tone for the day. Creating a morning routine has, by far, been the best thing to help boost productivity and help me not feel like I’m just spinning my wheels. Great post!
Love that, Aimee! You are so right! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
I’m pretty good at sticking to my morning routine, but I struggle with going to bed on time. This makes it hard to get up early in the morning and causes me to be way too tired. Because I homeschool my kids, evenings are the time that I do some of my blogging work. I usually work for about an hour and then I generally get sucked into reading blogs, watching youTube videos, and wasting time on social media. I really need to work on this.
Girl, you and me both! It is so easy to get sucked into that kind of stuff! Some days, I stay disciplined and can avoid it, but other days I’m a lost cause. It’s a work in progress! 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
Thanks for these thoughts, Abby! I really love reading your blog. Just this week, I implemented the no-phone rule early in the morning and it seems like I’ve accomplished a lot than before. It’s really a game-changer! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. 🙂
Yay! That is awesome, Annabella! Thank you so much for your sweet words!
~Abby =)
Since I work full-time outside the home and part-time from home on my blog, my morning has to start at 5 a.m. and I reserve that hour for writing. Sometimes it’s the most peaceful and productive part of my day. I love everything you have weaved into your morning routine and I agree that it totally makes a difference in setting up the day for success. It’s a way to seek some balance in the midst of busy!
Love your motivation to get up at 5 and get going with your day, Misty! You inspire me! Keep up the great work!
~Abby =)
I can’t even imagine how I would get thru life without my morning routine. I’ve never been able to fit exercise in the morning. I do get plenty throughout the day. But I do make my ‘to-‘do’ list including 3-5 important things I want to get done today and what’s for dinner.
Love that, Carole! Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
Hi! Long time listener, first time caller ?. Been following you for a while, and just the other day I finally purchased “building a framework” for myself!!! Anyway, I love this post! Great ideas that are practical and simple to put into place. I think I might try to say the rosary in the a.m., it’s so calming and I like that I can use the rosary beads my grandmother gave me. I just have to figure out how to sneak out; our youngest wakes up and isn’t good at occupying himself like our older two were. Thanks for all the inspiring posts!
So glad it was helpful for you, Maggie!
~Abby =)
It’s awesome that you journal in the morning. I love seeing what bloggers are doing in the morning to set themselves up for success.
Thank you for your wonderful blog; it is very helpful! I love the free organizational printables.
BTW, the pictures in your blog are simple yet beautifully presented; very professional. This is the one thing that attracted me to your website.
Best of blessings to you!
Aw, you’re too sweet! Thanks, Dana! Have a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
Abby, I can totally, totally relate to this. How we start our day certainly affects how productive we are throughout. Well written.
I actually wrote a short similar piece based on a recent experience. You can have a read if you wish:
Have a fun productive day 🙂
Thanks for sharing, Candace! Have a great week!
~Abby =)
I recently read “The Morning Miracle” by Hal Erod. It elaborates on this concept and how changing his morning routine changed his life. A good read.
It really does make such a huge impact! Thanks for sharing, Ireis!
~Abby =)
I opened this post in a new tab yesterday after stumbling on your blog from the Operation Organization series. It wasn’t until just now that I actually read it, and I know this is EXACTLY when i was supposed to read it. It spoke right to my heart! Thank you!
Aw, thank you so much for your sweet words, Bailey! They really mean so much! I’m so glad that the post was helpful!
~Abby =)
Having a plan for the day really helps. I’m usually up at 5am just so I can enjoy an hour to myself before my boys are up, but unless I’ve made my plan for the day the night before I feel really disorganised! I really need to try leaving my phone in another room though…it’s so tempting to check-in on social media first thing whilst trying to read and journal. I’m loving the idea of attaching a new habit to one that’s already formed. I think habits are far more effective than resolutions…I’m definitely going to have to give this a go!
Yes! Habits > Resolutions for sure! 🙂
~Abby =)
I’m obsessed with that alarm clock! just added it to my amazon wishlist!!
It’s SO awesome! Hope you love it, too! 🙂
~Abby =)
This is exactly what I needed to read today! I have NEVER been a morning person and with my oldest daughter starting kindergarten in 6 months (with a start time of 7:50 eek), I’ve been stressing out about how I’m going to get her off to school in the morning with my little one in preschool as well! Thank you for these helpful tips!
I just started reading your blog a couple weeks ago and I have to say I’m obsessed! I’ve already purchased your Home Binder printables and I’m on my way to getting organized! THANK YOU:)
Aw, awesome! I’m so glad it has been helpful for you, Danielle! Love to hear that! <3
~Abby =)
I have to get up for work way before anyone else and don’t want to wake them. That makes my routine even more important to me. I have everything possible ready the night before so I can get up, shower, get a coffee and head out the door without disturbing anyone else.
The important part for me is to not have to look for things or backtrack through the house. It makes a huge difference in how the entire day goes.
So glad you have found something that works for you, Audrey! It really is a game changer!
~Abby =)
Christy Wright has a good podcast. She is a Dave Ramsey personality and author of Business Boutique. I’ve seen her live when I attended a Business Boutique event, and she is great.
Thanks so much for the suggestion, Karen! I’ll have to check it out!
~Abby =)
That whole attaching a habit thing is new to me too! I had to put my vitamins in with my spices that I use everyday, so when I’m grabbing the cinnamon I grab my vitamins at the same time. It works!
Also, I hadn’t yet seen pictures of your master bedroom. It’s beautiful!
I have a random question for you. I noticed that with your featured images for each blog post you sometimes have text, and sometimes don’t. I am struggling over at my blog with whether or not it is redundant to include text on mine, which I usually do. Usually I like it, but sometimes I don’t. Just wondering if you have an opinion on that or why you choose to include text or not over your featured image for each post. And if you have a minute, could you take a quick look at my featured images to see if they would be better off without text???? Thanks!!
Hi, Marie! It’s all about the sizing for the featured image! 🙂 My theme accommodates a standard vertical image for the featured image, so if my title image is a standard vertical size, I make that the featured image. Often I use an extra long image for my title image, though, so if that happens, I just pick another vertical image from the post to be the featured image, and it doesn’t have text. It doesn’t bother me to have some with and some without, but if you’d rather go with one or the other, you can certainly do so for your site! It looks like your featured images are horizontal for your theme, so I would probably go without text just because horizontal images take up less space to begin with, so text may clutter it up a bit. But you could really go either way! Hope you’re having a wonderful weekend!
~Abby =)
This was helpful! Thank you!
Try “wait wait don’t tell me” as a great podcast and a way to stay current
Thanks so much for the suggestion, Sabina!
~Abby =)
Thanks for the motivation to streamline my morning routine. I am not a morning person, but having to be at work at 8:00 a.m, I don’t have a choice! I have started listening to a podcast or Bible study on my tablet or laptop while I am putting on my makeup. I find that I look forward to this every day!
Yes! It really helps, doesn’t it? Glad you’ve found something that works for you, Terri!
~Abby =)
Am definitely not an early morning person. I prefer to extend late in the night (up to to 3 a.m) and wake up at around 8 a.m to continue working. I do like your morning session though. Cheers.
Thanks so much!
~Abby =)
Thanks for sharing. I need the encouragement and inspiration to improve my morning routine. I tend to spend time reviewing email, blog sites, and social media, and before I know it the morning is speeding by. While these things aren’t bad–I get a lot of inspiration from them, I need to balance it out with more action. Thanks for sharing your morning routine. It’s given me food for thought!
So glad it was helpful for you, Jolene! <3
~Abby =)
Love this! I’m still working on my routine, and I’m really working on making each part a habit instead of trying to implement everything at once. I usually do my workouts in the afternoons, but Ive been trying to incorporate some form of exercise into my morning routine, but that has been a challenge!
So glad it was helpful, Jessalyn! Hope you’re having an awesome week! <3
~Abby =)
Hi Abby
You might enjoy the following podcasts: (I love Young House Love too 🙂
Simply Life on Purpose (intentional living focus)
The Purpose Show (Motherhood focus & Minimalist)
Sorta Awesome (All sorts of topics)
Cultivating the Lovely (Christian, homeschooling etc)
Simplified Organisation (Productivity etc)
Art of Decluttering (2 Australian Personal Organisers)
How I Built This with Guy Roz – inspiring from business/entrepreneur perspective
Ooo, thanks so much for the suggestions, Rachel! I will check them out! 🙂
~Abby =)
I use a great free app called Fabulous which is a habit tracker/setter. I LOVE IT! It has morning, afternoon and evening habits. I love it because it will actually set a timer for you when you click on the habit so you take the time to do the task. It is fabulous…no pun intended! lol
Ooo, love that! So helpful!!
~Abby =)
That’s some serious dedication yo, really impressive!!
I am a night owl, I can work late at night but morning is precious to me !! I hate early morning calls, texts. My day starts at around 10.30.
Will try & follow, if I could 😛
Hope it’s helpful for you! Everyone’s schedule is different. You just have to figure out what works for you! 🙂
~Abby =)
Thank you for everything you do & share. I’m loving your printables. I bought a planner a few years ago, but it collected dust. Tried a mini so I could carry it with me, but wound up needing the large discs & it was huge, so that didn’t work. Found a lady who was wanted a mini & I was wanting a classic again. So we agreed on the trade. I gave her all my mini stuff for her classic so the trade was perfect. I used it a little, but fell out of the calendar habit. I tried using my phone, but it just takes to long to type everything out even though I’m fast at typing. I miss writing things down. So I printed some monthly pages. I don’t do the weekly details. I found an awesome sale at Joann & a bonus discount for picking it up in store.
I really want to thank you for sharing the link to this alarm clock. I have a funny sarcastic anger issue with the old fashioned loud beeping alarm clocks. Growing up when I heard those, I wanted to break them. I love the light on this one how it lights up brighter closer to the alarm time.. Mornings have never been my thing. I love the night hours.
I’ve been to several blogs about planners and organizing before and they were great, but I love how you tell it like it is and you don’t act like you have no faults. I love how you are real. I love your blog and have it bookmarked.
Aw, thank you so much, Melissa! You are TOO sweet! I’m so glad they will be helpful for you… LOVE to hear that! Happy planning! <3
~Abby =)