Comments on: 25 Brilliant Garage Storage Ideas that Will Get You Organized Let's create a beautiful, organized home where you and your family can thrive. Thu, 31 Aug 2023 20:03:17 +0000 hourly 1 By: Naya Very helpful, thank you.

By: Deb In reply to Richie.

hang it horizontal instead of vertical maybe?

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Kathryn.

Hi Kathryn! I would love to see it! You can send the pictures to hello {at} justagirlandherblog {dot} com. Looking forward to seeing the transformation! Have a great week!

~Abby =)

By: Kathryn Hi Abby! I used your garage as inspiration for organizing mine! I’d love to show you… not sure if I can attach a photo here. Email me if you want! Thanks so much for the great inspiration.

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Richie.

Hi, Richie! It really would just depend on the space you have available and which way makes it easier for you to access the ladder when you need it! If one spot is more accessible and convenient than the other, go with that one! Have a great day!

By: Richie In reply to Bronwyn.

That is exactly my sentiment and thought kim. BUT WITH SO MANY IDEAS its going to be easier now. I have one hurdle, my ladder is so much longer than the average ladder a fixed length what do i do with it. Suspend or wall ?

By: Abby Lawson In reply to RG.

Great idea! Thanks for sharing!

~Abby =)

By: RG ), keep them for a different use! I use my older garbage cans for disposing of yard trash. The old garbage cans work even better if there is a hole (or 3) in the bottom! My holes come from dragging the cans around but you can even drill a couple of large ones on purpose. The holes allow rain, the yellowish liquid decomposition of green waste (which is a GREAT green tea fertilizer for your garden), and any odors to escape. Use the old garbage cans to dump your buckets and handfuls of weeds into. If your area is like mine, we have separate "yard waste" trucks. I always feel good when doing my part to recycle, upcycle or reuse! Otherwise, you can then use the yard waste for composting.]]> Great ideas but I would change one thing: rather than giving away old garbage cans (regardless of shape 😎), keep them for a different use! I use my older garbage cans for disposing of yard trash.

The old garbage cans work even better if there is a hole (or 3) in the bottom! My holes come from dragging the cans around but you can even drill a couple of large ones on purpose. The holes allow rain, the yellowish liquid decomposition of green waste (which is a GREAT green tea fertilizer for your garden), and any odors to escape.

Use the old garbage cans to dump your buckets and handfuls of weeds into. If your area is like mine, we have separate “yard waste” trucks. I always feel good when doing my part to recycle, upcycle or reuse! Otherwise, you can then use the yard waste for composting.

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Ross A.

Hi there! They recently replaced the ALGOT system with the BOAXEL system, which is similar. It is here: Hope you’re having a great week!

By: Ross A Fall 2020-Unfortunately the Algot system comes up “No results found..” on IKEA’s site. Possibly discontinued?
