When the Tank Is Running Low
This was just supposed to be a post about a painted door. That’s it. But when I sat down to write it, more words started flowing, and I just went with it… so don’t say I didn’t warn ya. 😉
My mom and sister live in cool older homes that have a lot of character. (Right next door to one another!) When I was visiting them a few months ago, they mentioned to me that they had some old doors they had found in their houses that they didn’t have any use for, and they asked me if I wanted them.
Was this a trick question?! Of course I did!
one of the doors when I got it from my mom and sister
A few months passed before I had time to do anything with them, until one day I decided to just throw my to-do list out the window, grab a brush, head down to the basement, and start painting one.
Creating is kind of like therapy for me. When I’m doing something creative, my mind seems to relax and I begin to think more clearly. It wasn’t until I sat down to paint that door that I realized just how exhausted I had become, and it surprised me.
I wasn’t tired– I had actually been getting a decent amount of sleep– but my emotional energy was almost completely sapped, and I hadn’t realized it until that moment.
At the risk of sounding silly, let me explain. I feel like I (all of us?) have this “tank” of emotional energy. There are things that make “deposits” into the tank and things that make “withdrawals” and I’m willing to bet that they are different for different people.
As I continued to paint, I thought about all of the things in the past few months that had been making those withdrawals from my emotional energy tank. Packing up and leaving a house we had made so many memories in. Spending a few months in transition, not really feeling like we had a true home of our own anywhere. The overwhelming feeling of trying to unpack, organize, and decorate a completely new house. Our boys starting a new school year with new teachers, friends, and a new neighborhood.
I hadn’t realized it at the time because all of those things were things we really wanted to do. We were really excited to move. We feel so blessed to be in our new house and can’t wait to put our stamp on each and every room. I love that our boys are growing up, making friends, and becoming more independent. But at the same time, uncertainty, unknowns, and new situations are the types of things that make those withdrawals on our emotional energy.
As I kept working on my little painted door, I also realized that in the midst of the craziness of the past few months, I haven’t been doing many of the things that fill up my tank. For me those are things like creating (hence the series of “aha” moments while I was painting the door 😉 ), exercising, and spending time with the Lord, reading the Bible and praying, all of which I have been dropping the ball on during the move.
I think the reason it took me so long to see what was happening is that our tanks don’t empty out all at once. It happens little by little so we don’t notice until we are almost completely running on empty.
In hindsight, though, I can see some of the consequences of my emotional energy being low. I’m more short tempered with Donnie and the Cs. I’m more easily stressed about little things that aren’t normally a big deal. My feelings get hurt more easily. I’m more distracted when I’m trying to work. I begin to overanalyze and try to control everything (even more than usual for my type A self 😉 ). And even though I truly have SO MANY amazing things to be thankful for, I find myself feeling more down about life in general.
It’s not a good place to be, but thankfully, I don’t have to stay there.
This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.
paint color- Behr Clear Pond, mixed at half strength, satin sheen | door hanger pail- Decor Steals | faux flowers- Michael’s | hook- Hobby Lobby | door knob- Home Depot | stool | jacket | blanket | basket
As I was putting the finishing touches on my painted door, I resolved to do a better job at taking care of myself. I know what it is that “fills my tank,” and I need to make those things a priority, even if it means that emails have to wait or my cabinets stay unorganized a little longer (say it isn’t so! 😉 ) or I have to push back a deadline I had made for myself.
Because when my tank is full, I know I am a better wife, a better mom, a better daughter, sister, friend, etc., and the people I love deserve to have me at my best.
My goal with this project may have been to refresh an old door, but I felt like I came up out of the basement with a refreshed spirit, a renewed outlook, and a new hope for what is to come. Just like the tank doesn’t empty all at once, it doesn’t immediately refill either, but now I know what I need to do to get there and how to better take care of myself so I can better serve those around me. And that is so encouraging.
Thank you for letting me wander a little off the regular path today and share what’s been weighing on my heart. I hope that today you’ll do the things that fill your tank a little fuller and make your day a little brighter. Hugs!
For more encouragement, see these posts:
The One Reason You Won’t Reach Your Goals This Year (This one is more encouraging than it sounds, I promise! 😉 )
Find Real Love in the Month of February
This post contains affiliate links. For more information, see my disclosures here.
Thank you Abby. This touched my heart today. We too have moved home this summer (and country) with our 4 kids, and have new jobs, new schools, and new routines to settle into. I feel so weary. This is a wonderful reminder to take some time out for me, and to rest in God again (and again). I pray for your lovely family as you settle into your new home and life. May it be wonderful!
Aw, so glad it was helpful for you. Prayers that he fills you up as only he can do! Hugs to you, my friend! <3
~Abby =)
Thanks so much for the inspiring post. I liked the idea of mixing your inner feelings with a door painting experience into a one blog post. And I think this is the real core of blogging to write about ourselves.
Have a good day!
I totally agree, Karim! Glad you enjoyed it! Hope you’re having a wonderful Tuesday!
~Abby =)
Wise words, fantastic door and perfect timing. ?
Aw, so glad it was helpful, Mandy! Have an awesome day!
~Abby =)
I’m a homeschooling, blogging mom of 7 and I get LOW often. I’ve been trying to get better about seeing the signs: irritability at my kids, fatigue, a vague low feeling pressing down on me… for me the best thing to do is to get OUTSIDE. Exercise plus nature is the quickest way to a better mood. Also, lying in bed with a book for a few hours, or a super-early bedtime.
The door is lovely. 🙂
Oh wow! I think you’re my hero, Carrie! Homeschooling, blogging mom of 7! I would imagine it is easy for your tank to get low rather quickly. I love the exercise and nature combo… sounds like a great way to get refreshed! Hope you’re having a great week! <3
~Abby =)
This was so nice to read to this morning. I think as moms we always seem to make sure everyone else is content before addressing ourselves. I hope this door is just the beginning for you… 🙂
Completely agree, Brittany! It’s so easy to focus on everyone else as a mom and forget about yourself which ends up being good for no one! 🙂 Glad you enjoyed the post and I hope you are having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
Thank you very much for sharing. I really needed to hear this today. I have been exhausted emotionally as well due to some family drama and this has reminded me to step away and take her time to re-energize myself. We often get overwhelmed with everything going on and forget to take care of ourself.
It is so easy to do! So glad this resonated with you, Sara! Hugs to you and hope you’re able to find some time this week to re-energize!
~Abby =)
Thank you for sharing you heart, Abby! It’s posts like these that mean the most because we get to see the lovely person that you are inside. Your creativity and helpful ideas are always appreciated, but I appreciate this tens times more, and this is exactly what I needed to hear today. My tank has been so drained for a long time, and I recently resolved to making those things a priority again, and to make sure I’m filling the tanks of my little ones too, who aren’t yet old enough to fill their own. This made my day. Thank you!
You are too sweet, Tiff! So glad it was helpful for you today! Hugs to you and hope you’re able to find ways to fill your tank this week! <3
~Abby =)
I needed to read this this morning. Your words are so relatable. Thank you! <3
Aw, so glad it was helpful for you, Erica! <3
~Abby =)
While I read this post, I thought you were describing my life! I love your idea of a “emotional tank”, this is a perfect analogy. I think we all forget to fill our “tank” sometimes. Thank you for the reminder.
So glad it was helpful for you, Kim! I hope you’re able to find some time to fill your tank this week! <3
~Abby =)
Love this, friend! I have been thinking lately about the simple mantra, “do more of what makes you happy.” Our lives are ours to design, so I wonder why we struggle so much with giving ourselves permission just to enjoy life and do more of what we love? The tension is that there’s always more to be done, but it will NEVER all be finished, and meanwhile, life is passing by!
I was reading the other day about how Jen Hatmaker takes every Monday off. She described her simple pleasures of unplugging from the Internet, sitting outside with a good book, enjoying some solitude and some time with family… and I actually felt a hankering in my soul for a day of restoration like that. It really challenged me. If Jen Hatmaker with all her success and book deadlines and social media pressures can take time to relax, I can too. My downtime will look different from hers (not much book reading gonna happen during the day here with little kids around) but it can still happen. I don’t want to always be so busy chasing the next goal that I forget what I love about being alive.
YES! Love this, Karen! It is so easy to get caught up in the goals, the kids, the deadlines and not take time for yourself to just recharge, but it is so so important! Thanks for sharing your heart with me today, too! 🙂 Hope you’re able to get some restoration time this week! <3
~Abby =)
Thank you so much for your comments on painting this door, and how your mind drifts and the words come to you like a flowing stream. My mind does the same thing. From reading the comments above, it looks like we are not alone. We all needed to hear this from you. I know I have reached a place in my life where I can say my “tank” is completely empty. I have been in such a depressed state of mind for so long, and I am tired of it. But, I just can’t seem to drag myself out of it. I don’t do the things I LOVE TO DO anymore, like any kind of crafting, sewing, painting, gardening, you name it I love to do it, and it makes me so happy when I do.
Enough of that! I love what you did to the door, it looks great! Have a fantastic day! I am looking forward to seeing what you do with the other doors.
Thanks so much, Gracie! I’m glad this resonated with you today! Hugs to you and I hope you are able to find some time this week to do the things you love and recharge! <3
~Abby =)
You have certainly been blessed with many talents. I love the door, but most of all I loved reading about your “AHA” moments. I feel as women we put everything ahead of ourselves, and when we do that, that tank…empties quickly. Quicker than it refills sometimes. I hope that you will find some time every day to refill that bank. For your sake and the sake of your loved ones. Enjoy each and every minute of your day 😀
Aw, thanks so much, Liz! You are so right… it is so easy to empty ourselves so quickly and not even realize it! We all just need to slow down sometimes! 🙂 Hope you’re having a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
My husband and I were just talking about this exact thing. I was listening to Pat’s last SPI podcast where he interviewed Jonathan Fields of GoodLifeProject.com. Jonathan talked about the buckets that everyone has, and they need to be refilled. There wasn’t anything that I hadn’t heard before, but it made me realize that I needed to take care of myself too.
Abby, thanks for the post and reminder that we all need to slow down. Here’s to more “door-painting”. 😉
So glad it resonated with you, Heather! It’s so important, yet so easy to just ignore! So yes, here’s to “door-painting”! 🙂 Have a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
Waaaaw Thanks for this
So glad it was helpful, Hana!
~Abby =)
Thank you Abby!
Beautiful words! I think that you just expressed the feelings of many moms!)))
And I so agree that you need to set time just for yourself. I recently decided to spend one evening a week just taking care of myself – I do whatever I want to do (some creative DIY projects, having aromatherapy bath, or other beauty procedures, etc.) while my husband completely takes care of our 4 months old girl and other home chores 🙂
And usually those evenings fall on Tuesdays. So, today is my day! He-he!
Yes! Love that idea, Nadia! And so so crucial with a 4-month-old I’m sure! Thanks for sharing! Happy Friday!
~Abby =)
Sweet Abby! It’s so funny you say that because I had a total melt down yesterday. I’ve neglected my blog and have been so focused on my renovation and unpacking and such, that I haven’t payed attention to me and doing what I love…. there’s a reason they tell you to put your oxygen mask on first before helping others….I completely know where you are coming from! Maybe I need to paint a door or two….
I love the oxygen mask analogy, Brenna! So so true! Hope you’re able to find some “tank-filling” time this weekend! Hugs to you!
~Abby =)
So I originally came to read this post because I saw the picture on Instagram and I LOVE the door knob and I was looking for a link to it. But I feel like you are so describing me. I am WAHM homeschooling Mom of 4, scout leader and fur mom of 5. I am emotionally exhausted and so need to refill my tank completely. Oh and our house is on the market and we are praying the people who looked at it today put a contract in on it so we are spending this evening trying to figure out how much money we need for the work we want to do on the next house we are buying which just happens to include a few front door and I LOVE that door knob!! =)
Wow! Sounds like you’ve got a lot on your plate, Sheena! I hope you’re able to find some “tank-filling” time this weekend! And I love the door knob too.. just adds a little something special! 🙂 Happy Friday!
~Abby =)
I’ve been dealing with the same withdraw. When I started my blog I added something new to my plate. And as moms, when we add something to our plate, everything gets effected. It takes time to find a new normal and routine. Whether its moving, a new baby, a new job, etc. it all takes a toll on us. Great job on identifying your area of need and working to solve the problem. We all need a moment like that:)
So true, Allison! I hope you’re able to find some “tank-filling” time this weekend! 🙂 Hugs to you!
~Abby =)
Oh boy do I know this feeling… thank you for the inspiration to evaluate my tank level and adjust accordingly! Hugs to you too!
Aw, so glad it was helpful for you, Katie! Hope you’re able to have some “tank-filling” time this weekend! 🙂 Happy Friday!
~Abby =)
I really enjoyed this post today and found it very timely. I struggle with making time for things that fill my tank and often feel completely overwhelmed by my to do list (most of which is self-imposed). I’m working each day on taking time to do the things that help me feel better each day, same as you-time with the Lord, exercising, taking time to just slow down and enjoy this beautiful life God has given me.
The door is beautiful!
So glad it was helpful for you, Jennifer! It is so easy to feel overwhelmed even if it is self-imposed (totally guilty of that myself). So glad you’re starting to take the time to fill your tank… it really is so essential! Thanks for sharing with me!
~Abby =)
Oh Abby – thank you for sharing! I just love your work and I appreciate your honest talk!
So glad it was helpful for you, Samantha! Happy Friday!
~Abby =)
This is definitely my favorite post so far. I really appreciate you sharing. Boy can I relate.
Aw, so glad it was helpful for you, Jen! <3
~Abby =)
Adorable, love this! 😀 Put me in a better mood and makes me feel motivated to create something now too.
So glad it was helpful for you, Natalie! <3
~Abby =)
You’re doing great Abby. I look up to you so this as a nice realistic check for me and (seems like) everyone else. Keep up the amazing work, in moderation. Xoxo!
So glad it resonated with you, Morgan! Have a wonderful week! <3
~Abby =)
Oh Abby, my last two posts were about physical and emotional exhaustion and how God never created us to hustle. As moms we love much, give much and do much. I think we all can identify with your post. ? Thanks for keeping it real. You’re so encouraging. 🙂 And I love the door!!
So true, Ana! Thanks so much and glad it was helpful for you! <3
~Abby =)
Thank you for sharing this! It sounds like we’re at the same point of seeing that we’ve overloaded ourselves and ready to get our lives back on track. I’ve had a similar blog building in me, and almost turned my bathroom makeover blog into a blog about my current life changes. But I decided to make it a separate blog. One I may still write today, because it is welling up big time inside me as I do go about my daily goals of simplifying my life.
I think it can be very therapeutic to write those things down! It’s great to get your thoughts and feelings out on paper! I’m sure your readers would resonate with it as well! Hugs to you, Brenda!
~Abby =)
Hi Abby,
Well…you put into words exactly where I am…and have been for a long while. We have moved 3 times in 2 years…with three kids in tow. I even had to make one move with the three kids alone ahead of my husband. I love to create and decorate…but I just haven’5 had the emotional energy to put this house together. I am going to follow your advice…put more time into refilling my tank…with God and my crafts.
Thank you for sharing!
Wow! 3 times in 2 years! I can imagine that has been SO exhausting! Hugs and prayers that you’ll have some “tank refilling time” this week! <3
~Abby =)
Thank you for sharing. I too have been in a life slump and feeling drained for many reasons. I don’t like how I feel and have also resolved that I need to get back on my own hi uplifting path. I felt like a loser for not being able to keep up with everything but then I realized “This too shall pass” and getting back to basics. Thanks again for sharing. Good Bless.
So glad it was helpful for you! Hugs and prayers to you that you’re able to find ways to “refill your tank” this week! <3
~Abby =)
So very true and beautifully said.
Thanks so much! <3
~Abby =)
This makes perfect sense to me Abby. I use the bank account analogy myself. I have M.E (not sure if it is called the same thing in the US) but I have to ruthlessly monitor my energy levels; mental, physical and emotional as if I “overspend” then it leads to feeling very poorly. My goal is to always be “in credit” so that there is always some energy in reserve, but life isn’t always a nice, predictable straight line is it?! The important thing is to notice which things drain the energy more than others and learn to manage/limit those. For me emotional and mental activity drains me more than physical energy and I imagine moving house must score highly as a drain on all types of energy – it’s meant to be one of the most stressful life events after all. All the endless planning, to-do lists and getting so many things to happen successfully in a tiny time frame… it makes me shudder just to imagine it! Hooray for moving to your dream house, but here’s to staying there a loooong time 🙂 hope you continue to get your emotional energy account back to a healthy balance. Your door looks very pretty by the way! Emma x
I love that analogy, Emma! This will HOPEFULLY be our forever home which would be SO great! 🙂 Thanks so much for sharing with me! Have a wonderful week!
~Abby =)
How good for your well-being (and downstream, for the well-being of your loved ones) that you could see what has been going on. I have read studies that show that “good” stresses (new house, a baby, marriage) can be just as toxic to us as “bad” stresses (loss of job, death, divorce). I have previously read the emotional tank analogy — especially in the parenting context of not just filling our own emotional tanks, but helping our families face their stresses by keeping their emotional tanks filled — all the times we say “I love you” or show it by hugs or cuddles or funny faces — all the positive praise we offer when they persevere and accomplish something. Your kids have lived through the transition and chaos with you and have had to start in a new school and make new friends; they need full emotional tanks to do that. Grab your cup of coffee and your Bible, shut the still-unorganized kitchen cabinet doors, and curl up in a chair to admire your pretty new door and refresh your spirit.
You are too sweet, Sandee! Thanks so much for your encouragement! <3
~Abby =)
Wow! Great post. So true. Sometimes we don’t realize that the tank is nearly empty and it doesn’t take a lot to push it towards that big E. As women, we are so guilty of not refilling the tank until we are almost stranded on the side of the road. Thanks for the reminder to do the things that fill us up so we can be better to everyone around us. And – that door is amazing. Are you planning to actually use it or keep for decoration?
Aw, I’m so glad it was helpful for you, Cindy! Right now, I’m just planning to use it as decoration in the living room! 🙂
~Abby =)
I love this post! It reminds me so much of myself. It’s nice to know that others go through the same things I do!
Aw, so glad it was helpful for you, Amanda! Hugs! <3
~Abby =)
I had one of those “aha” moments last week. It’s crazy how you don’t notice how emotionally drained you are until it comes rushing at you all at once. Thanks for reminding us that it happens to all of us!
Thank you, Kim! So glad it was a helpful reminder for you! <3
~Abby =)
Thanks so much for this post, Abby. You put into words my struggle of the last six months. Maybe now that I have the words to describe the problem, I can fix it. We owe it to our ourselves and our families to do whatever it takes to be our best selves.
SO agree, Julie! They don’t get our best when we feel this way for sure! So glad it was helpful or you! Hugs to you! <3
~Abby =)
Thank you for sharing Abby. I am in the process of sorting through a lot of things to get ready for a yard sale and it is so hard. I have a really hard time letting go of things because they can remind me of something or someone. It gets to the point where I don’t even want to think about it anymore. After reading your post, I feel more energized than ever. Your words are very encouraging. I absolutely love what you did with the door. The blue is so pretty. Thank you again.
p.s. can’t wait to see more pictures of the decorating you have done in your new home.
Aw, thanks so much, Linda! So glad it was encouraging for you! <3
~Abby =)
I was just telling a friend that when I feel overwhelmed with life, having a project (for me, it’s also creative projects) helps me focus, whether it’s taking my mind off of what’s overwhelming me or allowing me that time to think things through. And of course, when the project is complete, there’s such a sense of accomplishment and joy from your work. I love the door, by the way. The color is so cool and calming. I’ve had a hanging planter very much like that one for several years that I haven’t been able to figure out what to do with, but I haven’t wanted to get rid of it because I really like it. You’ve given me a great idea. Thanks!
So glad it was helpful for you, Jana! <3
~Abby =)
Thanks for posting this. I really needed to read it to understand that my tank is running very low too. I think that is why I grasped onto Bullet Journaling when I stumbled across it online a month or so ago. It gives me a creative outlet I can feel good about because it also helps me stay organized.
Yes! Journaling is such a great tool! LOVE it!
~Abby =)
Thank you Abby for being so transparent while painting your beautiful door. As everyone else has said, I feel as tho you were talking about me. I’ve been sputtering on empty for almost 10 years now. I was diagnosed with three different autoimmune diseases within a few years of each other and have had nine surgeries. I had to go on disability retirement at 40 and leave a job that I loved dearly and shortly after moved away from the only home we had ever known. That’s one of the main reasons I took up DIYing, I was going crazy bored, both of my kids are grown. I just do what I can, when I can and try to keep my faith as strong as possible. I have a little magnet on my desk that say “Remember the person you wanted to be.”, and I feel like that describes me perfectly, because that person is no more.
Thank you for writing this, I really needed to read it today. You have such a kind and compassionate heart.
Thanks so much for your sweet comment, Candy! I’m glad it was helpful for you. I love your positive attitude despite what sounds like a very challenging health battle. Sending hugs and prayers your way! <3
~Abby =)
Wow, what an incredible post Abby. Loved how you opened up, admitted you’re human. I wonder how our husbands feel too, you? Used to be so much was on their plate that somehow some got onto ours. Hmmmm.
My generation were made to feel guilty if we took time for ourselves, at all, if we even thought it..If I dared to want to take some time for myself boy did I get guilt trip from my Mother.(her generations thing). Some of these things are why my generation are called the sandwich generation.I was born in 1940, am 76. We’re expected to be with it but act like a grama.
Am so sorry have missed so many of your posts in last few months. Actually seems like since I had my right shoulder replaced on 12/7 last year, then p/t. On June 8th. Our 22 yr. old grandson died from recurring testicular cancer, only worse. He suffered so much from early summer with surgeries, chemo. On top of that his Mother wouldn’t let us see him, talk to him, even leave him messages on Facebook, she deleted them. When they had his celebration of life we weren’t allowed to go not even our daughter and family could go. Won’t go into all the history but even before Jordan got sick his Mother was evil. Wasn’t allowed to call my son to talk to him, she’d have fit. My son had to call his sister and me telling us we couldn’t go. I am still having hard time with it all as she never allowed me to have a relationship with my grandson,She said I wasn’t going to have chance to upset him as I did my kids as I had emotional problems, depression during them growing up.. Feel like I missed such a wonderful opportunity to be Grama to Jordan. His sister, first grandchild, wants nothing to do with us, me especially. Hope you’ll continue to send me posts, really do care.
Hope you’re having some nice Fall weather and you can work on filling your tank. Hugs
Sounds like I sure missed alot, didn’t know you had moved, sorry Abby.
So sorry to hear about your grandson and the strained relationships. Family dynamics can be SO hard sometimes. Sending prayers and hugs your way, JaneEllen! <3
~Abby =)
Wow.Thanks for this. I’ve been quietly reading your stuff for months and love your content. And this was one of my favorites. It’s a good reminder of the need for balance in life.
You’re too sweet! Thank you, Wendy! So glad it was a helpful reminder for you! <3
~Abby =)
Wow Abby, Thank you! I was just commenting to my husband yesterday that I can’t believe it has been a year since we went to the Garth Brooks concert. First concert for out daughter. I can’t believe where time has gone, seems like just a few months ago……not a year! In reading your post I started to get teary. I’m about on empty and every single word you said hit home. Thank you!! Time to switch some things up and quit rushing around doing things that I’m not sure make any difference. Time to make a difference and I am very thankful for your words!!
Aw, sending hugs your way, Lisa! So glad this was helpful for you. Hope you’re able to find some time to “fill your tank” this week! <3
~Abby =)
Congrats for recognizing where you were. I assume you have read the five love languages book. I love that book. My emotional tank has also been on empty, pushing back my goal of starting my blog by thanksgiving at the latest. My relationship ended, i had to unexpectedly move, and my mother passed away all in three short weeks. Thank goodness i hadn’t hit publish/start on my blog yet or i am sure i would have been posting emotional garbage. i know people can relate to being frazzled and sometimes that catches a reader but my “empty tank”would have had me scaring off every reader for miles..lol Thank you for sharing Abby. Hope prayer and reading start filling your tank again.
Oh Deanna, I am so sorry for all you have been through in such a start time. I hope things are looking up for you– I’m cheering you on from here! Hugs!
~Abby =)
Such a thoughtful post and so incredibly true. Thanks for the reminder.
I’ve been following your blog for almost a year now and don’t always get to see all of your posts. But I came across this one today and am so glad I did! It was just what I needed to hear. My husband and I moved almost 2 months ago and we have a 4 month old boy and life has been pretty hectic. And as much as I try to stay motivated, some days are harder than others, but especially lately it’s seems to be getting harder. Your post made me realize my emotional tank must be running on almost empty and I need to figure out how to get that back up, so thank you!! You were truly inspired to write this post. 🙂
Aw, so glad it was helpful for you, Lisa! Hugs to you during this crazy time! <3
~Abby =)
Wow, this may be an old post but it was exactly what I needed today. I am just beginning this whole blogging thing and your site seems to be the only one I want to keep coming back to. Now I just want to come back to it even more!
Aw, so glad it has been helpful for you, Renee! Love to hear that! Have an awesome week! <3
~Abby =)
Wow! That was beautiful! Self care is not something that I do very well, but you are right it is so needed! I have learned that getting up before the kids is sooooo important for me. My day is so off if I do not havey quiet time with God. Especially sincey youngest (8) is SO chatty as soon as he wakes up! :/ LOL!
Thanks for the heartfelt post and the reminder. The door looks awesome btw!
I have a chatty one, too! 🙂 So glad it was helpful, Amy! Have a great week! <3
~Abby =)
Love this! Thank you so much for sharing this very timely reminder!
So glad it was helpful for you, Hannah! Have a wonderful evening! <3
~Abby =)
Wonderful post & the door is absolutely gorgeous btw!
Aw, thank you so much, Jess! <3
~Abby =)
Thanks, Abby, Just found this post from a link on your Building a Frameworks course, Which I am really enjoying BTW, This is so true. It reminds me to start putting creativity first even if it isn’t “profitable” and doesn’t seem like it is going to get me where I want to go. The act of just making something with your hands is very healing and worth-while. When you are trying to grow a business or raise a family it is so hard to remember this.
Aw, so glad it was helpful for you, Zoe! It really is so easy to forget it with so many things going on in our lives… but it’s so important! Hope you have a wonderful week! <3
~Abby =)