Comments on: Organizing Books with the KonMari Method Let's create a beautiful, organized home where you and your family can thrive. Thu, 29 Sep 2022 19:27:08 +0000 hourly 1 By: Abby Lawson In reply to jotyi.

Books are so difficult for me too! I hope this is helpful for you!

~Abby =)

By: jotyi I have a lot of books that have sat on the shelf unread for years. I don’t like to admit I’ll never read them again, but it’s possibly true. I’m going to have to try this method for trimming my bookshelf soon.

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Amanda Ashley.

So glad it will be helpful for you, Amanda! Hope you’re having a great week! <3

~Abby =)

By: Amanda Ashley Books are so amazing, it’s hard to part with them. But i do know for me personally I have a lot of books that have sat on the shelf unread for years. I don’t like to admit I’ll never read them again, but it’s possibly true. I’m going to have to try this method for trimming my bookshelf soon.

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Janette @ Dressed Up Rustic.

Books really are the hardest, aren’t they?!? AH! Definitely tough for me. I’m so glad the tips were helpful for you, Janette! Hope you have an awesome week! <3

~Abby =)

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Debra.

Aw, love that! I totally agree… it made our moving process so much easier, too! Hope you have a wonderful week, Debra!

~Abby =)

By: Janette @ Dressed Up Rustic Ah, books! Such a challenging place to declutter. 🙂 I love, love, love books, so it’s been a learning experience for me in this area. I did go through the act of cleaning out all the books that I “thought” I would read and realized that no, I probably never would. Now, I’m focusing on building a collection of books that I love and use. Thank you for the helpful tips, Abby! I can always count on your offering actionable advice.

By: Debra This method worked very well when we were moving house. If a book didn’t spark joy or wasn’t on the must-read immediately pile- it was donated to the local library. We felt a million times lighter and more joyful in our new home.

By: Jennifer In reply to Dawnie Campbell.

Thank you, Dannie! Your mention of science books, especially science fair, has helped me to jump in and do this. We homeschooled our six kids, the youngest one graduates this next month, so… I really don’t need those books any more! Time to bite the bullet, get rid of my thousand books and clear up some space for this new life beginning soon. I never thought to count them, though!

By: justagirlabby In reply to sona.

Oh, no! I hope things improve for you! 🙂 I know books can be one of the hardest things to get rid of!

~Abby =)
