Comments on: How do you declutter when you have trouble letting go of things? Let's create a beautiful, organized home where you and your family can thrive. Mon, 08 May 2023 17:04:25 +0000 hourly 1 By: justagirlabby In reply to JJ.

Hi, JJ! I would maybe put them in a bin in storage. Then, set a deadline you’re comfortable with and get rid of clothes that still don’t fit after that date! 🙂

~Abby =)

By: JJ What do you do with clothes that don’t fit, but you “think” you’ll lose/gain enough weight to fit them again…AND you LOVE them?

By: KATHARINE HOLMES In reply to Micah | Home Faith Family.

Thank you for this great idea!

By: justagirlabby In reply to Judy Baker.

Chatbooks ( could be a great way for you to store them digitally! You would just take a photo of each item and then you can upload them to Chatbooks, and they send you a little book with all of your images in them. You can even add captions, etc. I do this for photos of my boys instead of traditional scrapbooking, and it is so quick and easy!

~Abby =)

By: Judy Baker In reply to Kim.

I love the picture idea! I have a really hard time getting rid of sentimental items as well – but not useful items that could be donated, but things that show a record of my life, i.e. old planners, calendars with important events/my notes in them, invitations to weddings, baby showers, etc that I want to put in a scrapbook someday, or that I can look back and remember a certain part of my life. But my boxes and piles of stuff that will be scrapbooked “someday” seems to be growing faster than my ability to take the time to actually scrapbook. Any thoughts or advice? Perhaps I should just have an e-scrapbook of some kind? Take pictures of stuff and have it all in a google doc or something? Does anyone have a good way of filing or organizing the pictures of mementos?

By: justagirlabby In reply to Carrie.

Thanks so much, Carrie! We used the IKEA BESTA system for the bookshelves! You can read about it in this post: Have an awesome week! <3

~Abby =)

By: Carrie I’m loving your blog!! I have always had a really hard time decluttering. I am super sentimental!! I too have started taking pictures of anything that I know I don’t need but I’m having trouble parting with. It’s crazy but it works! I honestly never look at the pictures but for some reason just knowing I have them helps me let go of things…who knew?? Thanks so much for the post! Oh and…where did you get that bookcase in your office?! Soooo cute!!

By: justagirlabby In reply to Mandy.

Oh, yes! Always compromises to be made! 🙂

~Abby =)

By: Mandy In reply to justagirlabby.

My husband and I are coming up on our 23rd anniversary. That means for 23 years we’ve been lugging across four states a bulky pair of stereo speakers that no longer have a stereo to speak for. At least he let me pare down his tee shirt collection by donating 15 of them to our neighbor who owns a pet adoption center. I have to pick my battles, I guess..

By: justagirlabby In reply to Micah | Home Faith Family.

They really are hard to get rid of, aren’t they? So glad you’ve found a great system that works for you! Have a great evening, Micah! <3

~Abby =)
