Comments on: Intentional Living: Setting Goals {with FREE Printable!} Let's create a beautiful, organized home where you and your family can thrive. Thu, 07 Oct 2021 21:01:36 +0000 hourly 1 By: justagirlabby In reply to Rachael Stone.

Yay! Hope it’s helpful for you, Rachael! <3

~Abby =)

By: Rachael Stone I am without doubt an unorganised, messed up middle at the moment. I’ve just printed off a goal sheet, I am going to write now at least 1 goal to work on. Well this is the plan!

By: justagirlabby In reply to Barbara.

So glad they will be helpful for you, Barbara! Happy organizing! <3

~Abby =)

By: Barbara OK!! I finally understand how to fill out this goal sheet. I obviously didn’t read the directions last year when I printed it out. I got to day 3 with you Abby on your organizing youtube channel and that’s a big deal with all that swirls around in my head. Sticking with it. My house needs to reorganize.

By: Dawn I love this blog! I was in the hospital not that long ago for a couple weeks and then it took awhile to get recovered even after I was home (all better now…YAY!). Man oh man has it totally and completely thrown my family off track! Time to set some goals and stick with it! Thanks for sharing! Be blessed!

By: stacy In reply to justagirlabby.

This may be a really dumb question…but how do I print this? I mean, the sizing is off on this page so it seems as if I should be downloading it or something right?
God, did I just really embarrass myself??

By: Kristen I recently came across your blog from a pin on Pinterest! Thank you so much for this! I just printed mine out (had to do it twice since I moved things around so much) and got my goals on paper! I love that there are so many categories – other than just work and home. I am able to be more specific for my work and home (and self) goals just by dividing these into workable categories. Thanks so much!

By: Amber B. I am SO glad you are doing this series. I loved the guidelines and I really feel I needed to read this. I’m excited to see how things progress throughout the month for you.

By: Vanessa I love this post Abby. It great idea to keep those goal in front of you everyday so you don’t forget. This was really a great post to remind me what I need to do. Thanks for sharing. I always appreciate stopping by your blog and getting inspired.

By: justagirlabby In reply to JaneEllen.

Aw, thank you so much, Jane Ellen! As far as where I started, I just have always been a planner and have liked working out systems to stay organized. I read “Say Goodbye to Survival Mode” by Crystal Paine (Money Saving Mom), which I loved too. Hope you are having a wonderful weekend, friend!

~Abby =)
