Comments on: 5 Ways that Going Paperless Has Improved Our Lives Let's create a beautiful, organized home where you and your family can thrive. Fri, 30 Jun 2023 19:04:29 +0000 hourly 1 By: Abby Lawson In reply to SharonMarie Clark.

Hi there! Great question! We ended up discontinuing the ebook because Evernote changed, technology changed, and it became out of date. Paperless Made Simple has all of our current technology recommendations, includes more + improved info about Evernote, and teaches the process we currently use to maintain our paperless lifestyle. Paperless Made Simple is in video format rather than written format. I hope this helps!

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Cath Erickson.

Hi, Cath! We house our digital filing cabinet in Evernote, and Paperless Made Simple is taught using Evernote as its basis. We also use a scanning app to scan our paper files. I hope this helps!

By: Abby Lawson In reply to Lorrie.

Hi, Lorrie! The course is delivered digitally (via the Kajabi course platform). The videos in the course are a mix of Donnie and I talking with a slide presentation and screencast videos showing how to do various things in Evernote, etc. I hope this helps!

By: SharonMarie Clark Hi!
Thank you for this video/post and the inspirational reminder of the benefits of going paperless! How will the new course differ from the paperless ebook from 2015??

By: Lorrie how will the course be delivered? a book? or paperless? 🙂

By: Cath Erickson Is Evernote the only app you use in your Paperless System? Is that on what you will base your teachings?

By: justagirlabby In reply to Tamra Loetscher.

You can do it! I, too, am naturally a pen and paper girl, but with Donnie’s influence I am slowly going more and more paperless, even with the little things! Best of luck with your paperless journey!! 🙂

~Abby =)

By: justagirlabby In reply to Rae.

Thank you so much for your sweet words, Rae! I think what you said is very true– the “best” way to use Evernote will be different for everyone. Thankfully, it’s a very flexible and easily maneuverable program! Best of luck with your paperless journey!

~Abby =)

By: Tamra Loetscher Hi Abby,
The thought of going paperless makes me cringe. I know it is a good thing but the thought of giving up my paper is scary to me. It took me forever to put my schedule on my phone/computer instead of carrying my “bible” with me. That’s what my family called it. lol. So now I find myself once again in scary territory. I see the benefit of going paperless but the actual doing it scares me. So I have decided to get your ebook and put my “big girl panties on” and go for it. Your story gave me courage to make the leap! Thank you so much for all of your sharing!
Have a great day and happy posting!!

By: Donnie In reply to Carrie.

Asana is a great tool! I haven’t committed to it but it’s definitely a powerful project management app.
