These are some of our favorite resources to utilize during the paperless process. Click on any of the images below for more information about each particular item.
Our Favorite Paperless Tools
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Inbox Options
It’s important to have a landing spot for all incoming paperwork that will be processed weekly. Here are some practical and aesthetically pleasing options:
Shredder Options
Shredders are important for protecting our sensitive information when we’re disposing of paperwork. Here are a few we recommend:
Thumb Drives and External Hard Drives
We both use and love the Glyph portable hard drives. They are durable and have worked flawlessly for us. We also prefer SSD hard drives for speed and durability because there is no spinning disk like some older portable hard drives.
Another less expensive option is the Samsung T5 portable SSD. 1TB size makes sense because it offers a good value but also provides room to grow.
USB Thumb drives could be a good budget option if you want to spend as little as possible, but they have slower speeds than external SSD drives and are more prone to failure. My favorite USB thumb drive is the Samsung Fit Plus.
For important documents that we need to keep a paper copy of (birth certificates, social security cards, passports, etc.), we recommend using a durable firebox like the ones below.
For more information about going paperless, see these posts:
The Top 10 Questions We Get When People Find Out We’re Paperless
5 Ways that Going Paperless Has Improved Our Lives
Learn more about our course, Paperless Made Simple, right here!
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