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Free Printable Habit Tracker

This free printable habit tracker can help to develop positive daily routines, helping you accomplish your biggest goals one small step at a time!

Free Printable Habit Tracker

I have always been a fan of goal setting. The longer I work on goals, though, the more I’ve realized that many of my goals are simply daily habits that I am trying to develop. Some things are more complicated than that, but many of the items I want to accomplish simply boil down to doing one thing every single day (or almost every day).

Whether it’s working out or drinking enough water or practicing piano with my son or keeping my email inbox in check, all of these things can easily become part of my daily routine if I simply show up every day and just do them.

I’ve realized that good or bad, my days are made up of habits and routines, so if I can develop the habits that get me closer to my goals until they’re second nature and I don’t have to think about them much anymore, suddenly my days are more productive and goals are accomplished more easily!

[See all 50+ types of free printables that we offer on the blog in our library of organizing printables!]

Free Printable Habit Tracker

When I realized that many of my goals for this year were daily habits that I wanted to develop, I combined that idea with my love of checking off items on lists and created a simple habit tracker printable. This printable reminds me of all of the little things I want to work into my day and helps to hold me accountable.

Tracking Daily Habits with a Free Printable

There are lines for writing in 10 different habits, and then each day I simply color in the box when I’ve completed the habit for the day. (Xs or checkmarks are also perfectly acceptable. 😉 )

Free Printable Daily Habit Tracker Example

I really like having a simple daily reminder of all of the little things that I’m trying to work into my day. And I LOVE that if I can be consistent with these little things over time, all of the small daily steps will add up and lead to accomplishing some pretty big goals– and that is really exciting!

How to Track Daily Habits and Routines with a Free Printable

Click here to download the free printable habit tracker!

What habits or goals are you working on this year? Let me know in the comments below!

Learn more about creating positive habits and routines in these posts:

10 Simple Habits that Will Help You Stay Organized

How to Form a New Habit (Even If You’ve Failed at It Before)

My Morning Routine

My Evening Routine

Organizing Your Week

Have a wonderful day!


  1. Thank you for this post. It is filled with great information/action items to start the year!

    1. justagirlabby says:

      So glad it was helpful for you, Karyn! Hope your year is off to a great start! <3

      ~Abby =)

  2. Yes, you’re right, so many of my goals are either habits, or require the development of a daily habit that will help me achieve my ultimate goal. Now to review my goals and work out what those habits are – thanks for the printable.

    1. justagirlabby says:

      So glad it will be helpful for you, Carrie! Hope you’re having a great week! <3

      ~Abby =)

  3. Sandra York says:

    I LOVE this simple habit tracker!! It’s exactly what I was looking for. I don’t need a complicated one, just one to keep me focused and this works!

    1. Abby Lawson says:

      So glad it will be helpful for you, Sandra! Have a great week!

  4. muchas gracias!

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